Acne is one of the most common skin problems. Although the causes of acne on the face are usually genetic, there are many other reasons for its formation. Since it is visually unsightly, it can cause serious mental problems, especially in adolescence. However, as stated by dermatologists who are experts in the field, acne is a treatable skin problem with the necessary care, care and correct approach.
What is acne (acne)?
There are many hair follicles in our skin. These hair follicles and sebaceous glands under the skin; Obstruction due to various factors such as excessive sebum production, uncleaned dead skin, dust and dirt in the air can be counted among the causes of acne on the face. It is usually in the form of red, inflamed or non-inflamed blisters.
Hormonal changes, some medications, and foods containing high carbohydrates are also factors that affect acne formation. Both internal and external factors can cause acne formation or aggravate the existing acne problem.
Acne usually occurs on the face, chest, back and shoulders. It is a skin problem that can be seen in all age groups. However, it is more common during adolescence as oil production increases due to the increase in androgen (male hormone) levels in both boys and girls during puberty. Acne occurs in 85% of adolescents.
Why Do Facial Pimples Occur?
The main reason for the formation of acne on the skin is the clogging of the pores and the formation of a suitable environment for the reproduction of bacteria in the pores. Many factors have an effect on the preparation of a suitable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. The main factors that predispose to acne formation are;
- Hormonal changes (such as puberty, pregnancy, menstruation),
- some drugs,
- Clogged pores by not cleaning the dead skin,
- Applications that will cause the skin to produce more sebum than normal (such as excessive cleaning, use of wrong care products),
- Irritating existing acne and causing the spread of bacteria,
- Pollution,
- smoking,
- Intense carbohydrate diet
- moisture loss,
- stress
How to Prevent Acne (pimples) and How to Treat Acne-Pimple?
Two approaches are very important for acne problem; prevention and treatment. Acne-prone skin can prevent acne problems with the right skin care and applications. For skin with acne problem, acne is a skin problem that can be treated with the right applications. There are many acne-acne treatments determined by dermatologists. These drug treatments can result in success with the support of rich care products.
The first and basic rule to get rid of acne, a skin problem caused by bacterial growth, is cleaning. The skin should be cleaned regularly, both in the prevention and treatment phase of acne.
As every skin problem has different needs, it is necessary to apply cleaning and care to the skin with acne according to its own needs. Otherwise, the wrong applications to be made and the wrong care products to be used will cause the problem to grow, making it difficult to keep the spread of acne under control. Washing the skin in the morning and evening with a care product suitable for oily and sensitive skin is an indispensable part of the daily routine. However, it is also necessary to apply a mask on a weekly basis in order to deeply clean the pores and prevent the proliferation of bacteria. Clay masks can be preferred with their rich purifying and antiseptic contents. Polnet Natural Spirulina Moss Detox Clay Mask is ideal for cleaning acne-prone skin with its high mineral bentonite clay and kaolin clay.
Moisture loss is one of the main causes of acne. When the skin loses its moisture, it becomes defensive and begins to secrete high levels of sebum, and in this case, the excess sebum clogs the pores and paves the way for acne formation. Although acne-prone skin often avoids the use of moisturizing products, this is a wrong approach in terms of skin care.
For acne-prone skin, water-based moisturizers should be preferred, as the choice of products containing more than necessary oil will increase the formation of acne.
Regional applications
The acne problem that occurs in certain parts of the face needs a privileged care. Spot application products such as acne and acne serum produced for the acne area are frequently used in the treatment. Polente Pure Skin Serum is effective in fighting regional acne and acne formation. Antibacterial ingredients such as green tea extract, manuka oil, magnolia bark extract, beetroot extract and tea tree oil in its content, which help to prevent bacteria formation, control acne formation.
Avoiding irritation and touching
Squeezing to remove acne is one of the most common mistakes. When acne is irritated, bacteria multiplying spreads to various parts of the face, making it difficult to control acne. This prevents progress in acne-pimple treatment.
Touching the face is just as wrong as squeezing it. With touch, hands carry other microbes to the skin. Thus, the proliferation of bacteria on the sensitive skin with acne becomes inevitable. One of the most common causes of acne on the face is to contaminate the skin by touching it.
Avoiding aggressive actions
Acne skin also means sensitive skin. Coarse peelings, intense alcohol-containing tonics, and excessive peeling processes weaken the skin's barrier. This causes the skin to fight acne and fail to treat acne-pimples.
As with every skin problem, the important thing in the solution of acne is to determine the right care routine and apply it regularly. The acne problem requires regular care with special products such as acne and acne serum for a long time.